United Kingdom Openarms!



Augusto from Chile. Stonehenge Openarms!

The UK is located in north-western Europe. It is bordered to the south by the English Channel; to the east by the North Sea; to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

Pako from Spain. Greenwich Openarms!

Countries in the UK: England, Scotland, ,Wales ,and Northern Ireland (also known as Ulster)

Full Name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Geographic Coordinates: 54 00 N, 2 00 W

Type of Government : Constitutional monarchy

Capital City: London

Highest mountain: Ben Nevis in Scotland, at 1,343m (4,406 ft)

Longest river: River Severn, 354 km (220 miles) long.It rises in Wales and flows to the Bristol Channel.

Largest lake: Lough Neagh 396sq.km (153 sq miles)Northern Ireland

Deepest Lake:Loch Morar in the Highlands of Scotland, 310 m (1,017 ft) deep

Highest waterfall:Eas a’Chual Aluinn, from Glas Bheinn, also in the Highlands of Scotland, with a drop of 200 m (660 ft)

Deepest cave:Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, Powys, Wales, 308 m (1,010 ft) deep

Most northerly point on the British mainland:Dunnet Head, north-east Scotland

Most southerly point on the British mainland:Lizard Point, Cornwall

Most easterly town in England:Lowestoft, Suffolk
Annual mean temperature:London 9.7C

Annual mean rainfall:London 753mm

Nationality:Noun–Briton(s). Adjective–British.

Major languages:English, Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic.

Main Religion:Christianity (other religions)

Major ethnic groups:British, Irish, West Indian, South Asian.

Annual population growth rate:0.29%. (2004 est.)

Population density per sq.km245

Population by region:Scotland 5,119,000;England 49,753,000;Wales 2,937,000;N. Ireland 1,692,000

Top 5 populous cities:London 7,285,000;Birmingham 1,018,000;Leeds 725,000;Glasgow 611,000;Sheffield 529,000

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